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Citrus trees

Citrus trees offer incredible perfumed blooms and zesty fruits. A glorious range of citrus fruits grow well in the UK including yuzu, limes and oranges. Whether you’d like to grow your own garnish for a G&T or kaffir lime leaves for Thai cuisine, there’s a fruit tree that’s perfect for you. To help you decide which citrus tree is best for your space we answer some frequently asked questions below.

Which citrus trees bloom?

Most citrus trees produce strongly scented blooms. Mandarin and sweet orange flowers produce an especially strong perfume. As self fertile plants, citrus trees don’t need a pollination partner but love a high humidity around pollination time. Achieve this by misting your citrus trees when they are in flower.

Which citrus trees grow best in pots?

Growing your citrus tree in a container makes it easy to move indoors during winter. Lemon ‘Eureka’ is a great option for a container. This compact tree is a boon in a conservatory where the strongly scented blossom delights the senses. Use a light pot material like plastic instead of heavy terracotta if you intend to move your potted citrus outdoors during the summer.

Best citrus trees for shade

Grow orange and lemon trees in dappled shade. Ideally, choose a spot that receives full sun in the morning and shade from late afternoon sun. Limes are best in a full sun position.

Best citrus trees for growing outdoors

A kaffir lime tree is a must have for Thai food enthusiasts. The unusual bi-lobed leaves impart that unique aromatic flavour when added to curries and soups. This tree is best grown in a conservatory or moved inside as it is hardy down to 5°C. The hardiest citrus trees for growing in the UK are lemons and sweet oranges, but they’ll still need protecting over the winter.

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