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Rhubarb plants – more info

For an easy and plentiful crop, there’s little to beat rhubarb. Excellent in pies, jam or chutney, it can also be frozen to bring a taste of summer to mid-winter. Not sure where to start? Our rhubarb advice hub is packed with helpful tips, and our rhubarb growing masterclass will help you to refine your technique. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions.

Which rhubarb is easiest to grow?

Among the easiest varieties are Rhubarb ‘Timperley Early’, ‘Goliath’ and the ‘Sanvitos®’ range.

When is the best time to plant rhubarb?

Rhubarb can be planted in either spring or autumn as long as the soil is warm and moist. Avoid planting when the ground is frozen, waterlogged or extremely dry.

Which rhubarb is best for forcing?

The best rhubarb for forcing is one of the early cropping varieties, such as ‘Thompson’s Terrifically Tasty’, ‘Champagne’, ‘Sanvitos® Early’, ‘Timperley Early’ and ‘Victoria’.

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