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Hedging trees – more info

Hedging trees can be used to give privacy and security to your boundary or to divide your garden into different areas. Get them off to a good start by adding plenty of organic matter or compost to the planting hole and using mycorrhizal fungi. Need more advice? Have a look at our trees and hedges advice page.

Which hedging trees are best for wildlife?

Hedging trees that produce flowers and fruit for pollinators and birds are among the best. Blackthorn (sloe), crab apple, holly, wild cherry and elderberry are all good choices.

Do any hedging trees have flowers?

Many hedging trees have flowers, including crab apple, wild cherry, elderberry, and amelanchier.

Which hedging trees are evergreen?

English yew and holly are completely evergreen while copper and green beech both hold most of their leaves over the winter.

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