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Seeds you can trust!

Thompson & Morgan’s seeds are world-renowned for their excellent quality. We only use germination tested seeds and we guarantee 100% T&M seed satisfaction or your money back.

Whether you're after flower seeds to fill your summer borders with riotous colour or sowing vegetable seeds for healthy produce at the allotment, you're sure to find what you're looking for in our quality plant seed range. Too impatient to wait? Head over to our collection of garden ready plants. Find traditional favourites and unique hybrids ready to pop straight into the garden.

What are seeds?

Seeds are an energy store that gives a brand new plant the ability to germinate and create a new plant. The embryonic leaves and root are curled up inside the seed. The seed waits for the perfect conditions to arrive; the right temperature and moisture, to stimulate roots to form and the young shoot to push up to the light. Seeds are created in the flower, which either creates a fruit or a seed head or pod to distribute the seeds and start the next generation.

How to grow flowers from seed

Sow your flower seeds into moist, sieved compost. Using a seed tray, containers or clean yoghurt pots, gently press your flower seed into the soil and lightly cover with a sprinkle of compost or vermiculite. Place your seeds in a warm space around 21°C, a greenhouse or warm windowsill is ideal for this! Move your pots into bright light when shoots appear. 

Pot on your seedlings when they have at least three true leaves. Make sure to gently tease roots apart using a pencil or dibber. Always handle your seedlings holding a leaf, never the stem to avoid damage. Pot on into slightly larger pots using quality, free draining compost. When your plants have settled into their new pots and roots are visible out of the drainage holes, harden them off for at least two weeks and plant into their final positions in containers or garden beds.

How to germinate a seed

Seeds germinate quickest in their optimum temperature. The first thing to do is to read the seed packet to find out what that temperature is for your variety. The optimal temperature for seed germination is between 20°C to 25°C. While germination can occur between 10°C and 30°C, it is advised to stay within the recommended range to ensure more uniform and timely germination. Extreme temperatures may result in germination being patchy and delayed. If you maintain a constant optimum temperature and supply moisture to your seeds, expect to see germination two or so weeks after sowing.

For helpful advice read our seed sowing guide or to get started browse the best seeds to sow now.

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