Top 10 summer hanging basket tips

Large pink, purple and white hanging basket outside doorway

Petunias are a popular choice for hanging baskets
Image: Petunia 'Surfinia' Collection from Thompson & Morgan

Hanging baskets add a whole new dimension to gardening, putting vertical space to excellent use. They can brighten up a sunny wall or, with the right choice of plants, add colour to tricky shady areas. Remember, when choosing which hanging baskets to buy, size is everything — the bigger the basket, the bigger and more impressive the display! 

Here are our top ten tips to help you create the perfect hanging basket this summer:

  1. Always use a good quality compost as plants grown in a small area need the best possible start.
  2. Choose the right hanging basket plants for baskets; not all plants are suitable. Research your plants carefully and make sure that you select long flowering varieties and those with scent. To make the choice even easier, Thompson & Morgan sell pre-planted hanging baskets which are designed to be hung for an immediate display.
  3. Plant up your baskets from April onwards. This gives your plants time to establish before you move them outside after all risk of frost has passed.
  4. Side planting is essential to grow an avalanche of colour. Our Easy Fill Hanging Baskets contain special side ‘gates’ that help you plant all the way around. Choose baskets of 38cm (15in) and bigger. Don't be tempted by cheaper, smaller baskets – they'll dry out within hours in hot weather.
  5. Always add Incredibloom® to the compost, as bedding plants are very hungry and thirsty.
  6. To have interesting baskets all year round, it's essential to have two sets so that you don't have to wait for your summer baskets to finish flowering before planting up your winter baskets.
  7. The removal of all the first flowers, as well as pinching shoot tips allows the plant to put all of its efforts into growing stronger roots. This will lead to thousands of flowers throughout the long season.
  8. Water regularly, being particularly vigilant in hot weather.
  9. Top dressing your baskets with Incredibloom® saves messing about with liquid feeds.
  10. Regular maintenance is essential to grow a stunning basket that lasts. Deadheading and trimming when the plants start to look scraggly encourages more blooms.

We hope this has provided you with lots of useful tips. And when your summer baskets are coming to an end, read our top 10 winter hanging baskets tips article for more advice. Visit our comprehensive hub page for more information and expert advice on hanging baskets

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