For stunning summer colour, shop our 'summer sizzler' list
Image: Thompson & Morgan
Hot Mediterranean colours create a blaze of colour that works beautifully with an unglazed terracotta pot. Fiery orange Calendula, scarlet Salvia, red and yellow petunias and dramatic Salpiglossis make a scorching combination. Add the dark foliage of a Dahlia for a dramatic contrast, and a bright splash of peachy white verbena to catch the eye. You can even add a trailing geranium to tumble over the edge of the pot, if there's space. These patio plants are perfect for a spot in full sun where their fiery colours will really get your temperature soaring.
Early flowering, with daisy-like blooms in a zesty mix of citrus colours.
Flowering Period: May-September
Salmon-orange flowers that fade through apricot to a creamy yellow.
Flowering Period: June-September
A fiery mix of striking coloured blooms set against attractive dark foliage.
Flowering Period: July-October
Plumes of brilliant scarlet flowers above neat, compact plants.
Flowering Period: June-September
Attractive burgundy trumpet flowers on upright, bushy plants.
Flowering Period: June-September
A vigorous, trailing ivy-leafed geranium with exceptional garden performance.
Flowering Period: July-October
A succession of blooms in a carnival of summer colour.
Flowering Period: June-October
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