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Raspberry plants – more info

Easy to grow and straightforward to freeze, raspberries are the perfect perennial fruit to grow, and with a bit of care will last for many years. Choose a few different varieties and you can have fresh fruit from mid-summer to autumn with both red and yellow varieties available.

Which raspberry plant to buy

You can choose from two main types of raspberries – summer or autumn fruiting varieties. Summer raspberries will need support with varieties fruiting between June and August. Canes that have fruited that year should be cut out in autumn to allow space for new fruiting canes.

Autumn raspberries fruit from August to October and should be cut to the ground in late winter.

What should I plant with raspberries?

Raspberries are shallow-rooted so take care if planting around them. Plants that attract pollinators, such as poached egg plant (Limnanthes douglasii) can be beneficial.

Which raspberries can be grown in a pot?

If you want to grow raspberries in a container, choose a compact variety such as ‘Little Red Princess’, ‘Little Sweet Sister’, or ‘Summer Lovers Patio Red’. Bred specially for container growing, these autumn-fruiting dwarf raspberries reach a height of 60-90cm and produce sweet fruits from as early as mid-July.

Are any raspberry plants suitable for growing against a wall or fence?

Tayberry ‘Buckingham’, a delicious cross between a loganberry and a black raspberry, is ideal for training against a fence or wall. It’s also thornless, making picking easier.

Which raspberries fruit longest?

For the longest fruiting season, choose everbearing varieties like ‘Twotimer Sugana’ or ‘Twotimer Sugana Yellow’ which produce large, sweet berries in both summer and autumn. These canes can also be grown in containers if you’re short of space.

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