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kids grow spinach

Growing spinach with kids

Spinach is one of the fastest and easiest things to grow. Full of goodness, it can be eaten raw or cooked, and has more vitamins than most other vegetables. There are summer and winter varieties so you can grow it all year round in containers or in the garden.

What you'll need:

  • • Spinach seeds
  • • Multipurpose compost and containers
  • • Watering can

Step 1: Sow your spinach seeds

hand sowing spinach seedsSow your seeds individually
Image: Adam Szuly/ Shutterstock
  • • Sow summer varieties March to June and winter varieties in August and September.
  • • Summer spinach prefers a shady spot.
  • • Make a trench (2.5cm deep) with a trowel or your finger.
  • • Sow your seeds individually, 15cm apart, cover with soil and gently water.

Step 2: Grow your spinach

closeup of baby spinach plantsBaby spinach plants
Image: Sylvie Bouchard/ Shutterstock
  • • Keep your spinach well watered.
  • • Thin your seedlings to 7.5cm apart, once they’re big enough to handle.
  • • Winter varieties need protection from October. Cover them to keep them warm.
  • • Your spinach is ready to harvest once the leaves are big enough to pick.

Step 3: Harvest your spinach!

hand picking spinach plantsPinch the leaves from the bottom
Image: Deyan Georgiev/ Shutterstock
  • • Harvest the leaves by pinching them out from the base of the plant.
  • • You can pick as much or as little as you need - a few leaves for a salad or a whole plant for a family meal.
  • • Spinach tastes bitter if the leaves are left to get too big.
  • • The more you pick, the more leaves your plants will produce!

Popular spinach varieties

  • • Spinach 'Amazon' - Grow it outdoors or in containers
  • • Spinach 'Mikado' - Pretty, ornamental variety

There's plenty more information in the downloadable guide. Print it out for more detailed instructions and even more sweetpea facts!

  Click the image to download the full pdf guide  
growing spinach with kids pdf

Banner image: virtu studio/ Shutterstock

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