Fennel is related to carrots and parsley. It has a white bulb with stalks, feathery leaves and seeds. All the parts are edible. There are two types of fennel: 'bulbed' and 'seed'. The fat bulbs are cooked like a vegetable. Seed varieties are used like a herb and the crunchy stalks are good in salads.
What you'll need:
• Fennel seeds
• Rake (if growing in the ground)
• Multipurpose compost and containers (if you're not growing in the ground)
• Watering can
Step 1: Choose your spot
You can grow fennel in containers too. Image: Lifesummerlin
• Fennel doesn't like to be moved, so decide where you want to grow it.
• If sowing in the ground, remove weeds and rake the soil.
• If growing in containers, fill a large pot with compost.
• Don't plant neaer tomatoes or potatoes: they don't like each other and won't grow well.