Rockery plants and delicate alpines help to create an eye-catching and easy-care garden that provides interest year after year. Whether you’re looking for leafy foliage like grasses and ferns, or striking pops of bright colour from plants like sedums and sempervivums, we have a wide variety of options that will thrive in shade, sun or poor soil. Fill your rock gardens with drought-tolerant plants and enjoy low-maintenance displays that only get better with age.
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Why not try growing alpines such as Gypsophila cerastioides, Lithodora diffusa ‘Heavenly Blue’, and Erigeron karvinskianus in a pot or trough where their dainty flowers can be really appreciated. You’ll find the perfect containers in our carefully curated range. Looking for expert growing advice? Read our alpines masterclass or visit our dedicated hub page for a wealth of information about growing alpine and rockery plants.
Violas and the daisy flowers of Bellis perennis will appear from February onwards. Aubrieta flowers from March while, in a mild year, Pansy ‘Frizzle Sizzle Orange’ will flower from autumn to spring.
Campanula portenschlagiana ‘Catharina’, Ajuga reptans, Polypodium vulgare, and Blechnum spicant will all grow well in dappled shade.
The flowers of Ajuga reptans are loved by both bees and butterflies. Alyssum montanum ‘Mountain Gold’ has pollinator-friendly flowers from March to June, and Symphyandra pendula ‘Fringe Cups’ is a good food source for butterflies and bees.
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