Begonia seeds are a great way to produce your very own bedding at a fraction of the cost! Of all our fabulous flower seeds available for home gardeners, begonia seeds are the best for versatility and cheerful, bright blooms. Head over to our central begonia page to find all the information you need to get started with begonias seeds. Fancy a head start? Check out our gorgeous range of begonia plants.
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Whether for filling gaps in the border, filling window boxes or making cheerful patio displays, begonia seeds are excellent value for money. Begonia x tuberhybrida 'Nonstop Mixed' F1 Hybrid seeds have large bold flowers that make an eye-catching impact in the front garden or gracing a boundary line.
Delicate begonia semperflorens has a place in any garden planting or mixed container. The flowers add gentle balance to a loud display. Learn more about growing your own begonias in our article ‘How to Grow Begonias’.
The best way to handle the tiny begonia seeds is by mixing them with sand before sowing. Fill a cup with fine, dry horticultural sand and empty your seed packet into it. Mix the seeds through with a pencil. Sprinkle the sand evenly over a seed tray filled with sieved, damp seed compost and cover with a thin layer of compost or vermiculite.
Expect to see your begonia seeds germinate anywhere between 15 and 60 days. Speed up germination by providing a steady temperature of between 24 and 28? in a heated propagator. Make sure your seeds never dry out before or during germination.
Begonias thrive in both full sun and shade making them an incredibly versatile bedding plant. Highlight dark corners using their bright, cheerful flowers. Wherever you choose to plant your begonias, keep the soil moist and never allow them to dry out.
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