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Agapanthus plants – more info

Agapanthus is a friend to the drought-prone garden. These tough garden plants tolerate salty air and wind too, so do very well in coastal gardens. The sprays of blue, white or two-tone flowers form a welcome burst of colour above the straplike leaves. Pair your agapanthus with other drought tolerant plants to make an eco-friendly, low-water planting display.

Agapanthus are tough and versatile, suited to pots and containers as well as the garden border. The trick to getting plenty of blooms from your agapanthus in pots is to keep the pot tight around the root ball – they don’t like having too much space! Keep your plants in full sun for the best flowering results.

Do agapanthus spread?

Agapanthus are clump forming perennials. They grow slightly larger clumps every year and are usually spread by dividing a mature clump in spring into smaller plants, every four to five years. They sometimes self seed if seed pods are allowed to form after flowering.

Should I deadhead agapanthus?

Deadheading your agapanthus is a good idea. It keeps the plants tidy and encourages more flowering. Cut the long flower stems neatly off at their base throughout summer.

Is agapanthus toxic for animals?

Agapanthus is mildly toxic for pets. It causes intestinal upset and vomiting if consumed by your furry friends. Humans should avoid nibbling on the plants too. Make sure you wear gardening gloves when splitting or deadheading your agapanthus plants.

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