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Security Hedging Guide

Security hedging is planted to deter unwanted garden visitors with spiky leaves or impressive thorns. However there are also some really attractive options including fiery foliage, autumn berries and deceptively delicate, perfumed blooms.

Fastest growing plants for a security hedge

For the largest amount of growth in the shortest time, your best option is a rose. These plants will scramble with long stems making an impenetrable mass of thorny greenery. If you’d like fast growing tall screening to shield an area from view, plant a pre-grown instant hedge that provides a metre of cover from the off. Portugese laurel is also a fast growing option.

Best thorny plants to make a security hedge

The best thorny plants for security are berberis and holly. It’ll be tough to get through a thickly planted holly hedge, whilst berberis boasts sharp thorns up to 2cm in length.

What makes a good security hedge?

Plant your security hedge thickly to grow an impenetrable screen. Choose plants for your hedge that either have thorns or spiky leaves to deter trespassers. A good security hedge is fast to grow and provides thick cover and privacy.

How to make a feature security hedge

There are plenty of thorny options like roses that actually flower with lovely scented blooms. Berberis has some eye-catching fiery variegated varieties that provide amazing security. Planting a hedge with just one hedging plant can be very striking while a good mix of foliage and flower options draws the eye.

Wildlife friendly security hedging

Native security hedging like rose, hawthorn and blackthorn attract bees in spring with blooms, and birds in autumn with hips, haws and sloes. Find our native hedging collection along with fantastic resources to help you get started at our gardening for wildlife hub page.

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