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Fuschia plants – more info

Fuchsias are a great way to add colour to your garden, whether they’re trailing from a hanging basket, grown as a standard to add vertical interest, or creating a colourful wall of flowers. You can choose between hardy varieties, which can be planted in a sheltered border, and half-hardy plants, which will need winter protection.

Fuchsias can be trailing, upright or bush, and climbing, with colours ranging from white through pinks, reds and purples with single and double flowers.

You can grow them in borders or in containers.

Are fuchsias perennial?

Fuchsias are perennial, although many people treat tender fuchsias as annuals. If you want to keep tender varieties for another year, protect them over winter in a frost-free greenhouse or porch in compost that is kept on the dry side.

How to tell if a fuchsia is hardy

The best way to tell if a fuchsia is hardy is to check the label when you buy as it’s difficult to tell from just looking at the plant. Hardy varieties tend to be more upright and larger with thicker stems.

When is a good time to plant fuchsias?

Hardy fuchsias are best planted in early summer once the risk of frost has passed. Tender fuchsias should be kept under cover until after the first frost and need to be gradually acclimatised by putting them outside during the day and back under cover overnight for a week. For more information on how and when to prune fuchsias, read our article.

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