"Wow, flower power time & time again from T&M, a wide variety of plants & flowers that are an absolute must for any garden. Quality plug plants become big performers that burst into an amazing show of colourful blooms that keep going all summer long. T&M's plants & flowers look great not only as bedding in pots & containers but in their Eezee baskets, patio bags & flower pouches. I've grown T&M plants from plugs and seeds with great results & excellent value for money."
Wendy Stanbury,
"What I like about T&M plants is that they are always fresh, strong and healthy, and make a wonderful display all summer long. With Begonia ‘Apricot Shades’ in T&M patio bags, and flower ball in my front garden, I won ‘East Grinstead in Bloom’ first place. I also won Garden of the Year Container Competition run by Garden News."
Diana Eastwood,
"My vibrant Tree Lilies® with their magnificent flowers and a perfume that floated through the entire garden had extraordinary beauty. Petunia ‘Tidal Wave’ climbed and trailed as much as six feet and surpassed my expectations. Nicotiana with its prolific upright blooming power had a great evening scent, another winner."
Jean Tasker,
Swell Gel -One of the best products I have ever used, very easy to use, and most of all very effective in both containers and direct into the garden. An example of this, in previous years I have transplanted my brassicas direct into the garden. I always found that they would wilt even though they were watered often. This year I used Swell Gel, putting a small amount into each hole, the plants did not wilt and as a consequence of this they grew much quicker and larger than any I have ever grown.
Doug Upson
"I'm sure it was the array of T&M flowers that did it - we won the first prize in the Shipston in Bloom back garden competition!! We've only managed 2nd and 3rd previously."
Penny Law,
"I've had so much fun this year growing plants and watching them turn into beautiful flowers, all my family, friends & neighbours comment on how colourful and lovely my garden plants are."
Wendy StanburyUK
"My husband wants me to cut down next year but everytime I go through your seed catalogue my list of seeds gets longer not shorter."
Maggie Coates,
© 2025 Thompson & Morgan. All rights reserved. A division of Branded Garden Products Limited.
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